Taking Responsibility for Staff Safety
Posted on March 25, 2018 at 10:08 am
The safety of the people working on site is the responsibility of the manager, who must oversee processes and ensure that everything is happening safely. This person should be qualified, knowledgeable and able to make decisions on behalf of everyone on site. It’s a very important role. The remit of this person’s role includes:
- New staff training
- Ongoing staff training
- Equipment inspection and repairs
- Overseeing processes
Staff are also responsible for their own safety on a day to day basis. It is up to them to ensure they adopt safe working practices and are using all equipment correctly. If a member of staff feels they haven’t had enough training, then it is up to them to tell the relevant person, and they should not use equipment that they don’t feel comfortable with. They should ensure they have read all literature and information about a crane or machine before they operate it.
Posted in Construction