Is your garden ready for the winter
Posted on September 22, 2021 at 1:31 pm
Although we appear to be still having some warm and sunny weather, it is likely that towards the end of the month this will start to change and we will head in to the colder period. This colder weather is often likely to kill off any plants that still remain and we could see a lot of wet weather making it harder to keep the grass cut short.
You need to make the most of any nice weather we do have and get out in the garden to do some maintenance. Make sure that you don’t cut your grass too short if people are going to be walking ok it as this can expose too much of the soil and make it become very muddy.
Remove any dead heads and leaves off your plants and dig up any bulbs that you want to replant next year. Be sure to dry them out and wrap them in newspaper to store away. If you are thinking of planting bulbs for daffodils, then bows the time to do it. They will sit dormant over the winter and start to come through early next spring time. Pack away any garden furniture that is likely to get damaged throughout the winter months to try and prolong it.
Posted in Garden