How the Cement mixer changed the Face of Construction
Posted on July 3, 2014 at 1:23 pm
Ground work used to be the most consuming part of a new build, but the cement mixer basically made the process 1000 times easier and quicker. The cement mixers we’re talking about are the large cement transport trucks, which can hold tonnes of cement, and then effortlessly guide the cement into the designated area.
No matter how many miles the vehicle is travelling, the cement will keep being flipped over so that it doesn’t become firm and it means that many concrete suppliers can reach areas further afield. The majority of people use these machines when building properties, but there are times when the machines fail, and that means that workers are required to swiftly remove the cement before it hardens inside of the truck.
The mechanics of these cement mixer trucks are the same and it’s usually just the size which varies, but most construction projects will see a number of tracks return again and again with more concrete.
Posted in Construction