Choosing a forklift truck
Posted on November 24, 2020 at 2:01 pm
In the construction industry forklift trucks are often used to move heavy loads from place to place especially if the load needs to be lifted a relatively short height. There are different types of power units that drive forklift trucks namely electric which is battery powered, propane gas or diesel. The choice of forklift will be dependent upon the working environment for example an indoor environment would necessitate an electrically powered truck for safety reasons as the other two types produce noxious exhaust gases.
It is vitally important that when choosing the forklift truck that you are going to use, you are mindful of the weight of the load you intend to lift and allow extra capacity for unexpected contingences such as a load that is heavier than anticipated resulting in the need to manually remove some of the load.
Another factor is the physical size of the truck which is only an issue if you are working in a confined space. Some forklift trucks are capable of shifting loads sideways as well as vertically and these are particularly useful in smaller spaces.
Operating a forklift truck requires the driver to have a valid license for that type of truck to ensure that it is operated safely and correctly.
Posted in Construction