
There’s More to Steel Roller Shutter Doors than you think

Posted on July 10, 2014 at 4:13 pm

Steel roller shutter doors can protect individuals and businesses against vandalism and theft. People in UK are well aware of the need to keep their properties safe and secure when they’re away an this could be the solution.

Mostly, galvanized steel is used in steel shutter doors, which not only helps deter burglars but also provide fire protection. Fine metal strips of steel are used for making these shutters and they can close electrically or manually. The best thing about these doors is that they need minimal maintenance, such as occasional greasing to ensure their proper functioning, and are available in various slats. So they can easily compliment the decor of your home or business.


Posted in Construction

How the Cement mixer changed the Face of Construction

Posted on July 3, 2014 at 1:23 pm

Ground work used to be the most consuming part of a new build, but the cement mixer basically made the process 1000 times easier and quicker. The cement mixers we’re talking about are the large cement transport trucks, which can hold tonnes of cement, and then effortlessly guide the cement into the designated area.

No matter how many miles the vehicle is travelling, the cement will keep being flipped over so that it doesn’t become firm and it means that many concrete suppliers can reach areas further afield. The majority of people use these machines when building properties, but there are times when the machines fail, and that means that workers are required to swiftly remove the cement before it hardens inside of the truck.

The mechanics of these cement mixer trucks are the same and it’s usually just the size which varies, but most construction projects will see a number of tracks return again and again with more concrete.

Posted in Construction

Mistakes to Avoid In Flat Roof Construction

Posted on June 26, 2014 at 8:45 am

A flat roof is basically used for various types of architecture and mostly seen on large businesses and warehouses, several homes also prefer this type of a roof. Generally, a flat roof design is easy to maintain. However, a flat roof has also its own disadvantages; for instance, you may encounter draining and ventilation issues if it is not properly installed and maintained.

Various Errors to Avoid When Considering Flat Roof Construction

Improper roof coatings

Before choosing any roof coatings, it is very important to understand first the climate conditions of the region where the building is being constructed. This way, you will understand the best type of coating system you need to use when constructing your flat roof. For instance, an epoxy-based roof coating in a humidity or high rainfall area can be very dangerous. This epoxy itself can also curl up and then bring the entire roof with it, probably causing major leaks, causing great damage to the some parts of the building or the entire roof. Therefore, it is crucial to look for the right roof coating suitable for flat roofs constructed in various areas with different weather conditions.


Posted in Construction

Fixed Flat Rooflights – Which One Suits You?

Posted on June 16, 2014 at 8:46 pm

Quality roofing design and fixed flat rooflights have become synonymous. Sometime back, a roof was a simple structure meant to keep off dirt, dust, elements of weather and to provide privacy. In modern times, the roles of a roof have widened.

Whilst some people are setting up glass houses and conservatories on the roof, others are making it a place to lay back and enjoy the weather or view. Flat rooflights are playing a key role in achieving functionality and aesthetic appeal. Factors influencing choice are as follows:

Type of Roof

As the name suggests, flat rooflights are meant for permanent use on a flat roof surface. The main idea is to allow light to pass through it while warding-off dust, dirt, or any other unwanted objects. However, it makes sense to think of the type of roof in consideration. Is it made from concrete, ceramic tiles, galvanized iron sheets, or shingles? Such information will determine how to fix the roof to minimize leakage. Also, it will help in choosing a design that matches the roofing type.

Nature of Use

The type of fixed flat rooflights will also be determined by the intended use. The installation may be done simply to allow light into a building. It may also be done to allow people see right below them as they walk over it. Therefore, it should be sturdy enough to support the weight of the people. In some instances, besides allowing light, it may also be used to bring in fresh air. Therefore, the product should feature a mechanism that allows it to be opened and closed.

Type of Material

Flat rooflights appear in all kinds of sizes, shapes, brand names and colours. Each design will also have its positives and negatives. The attributes can be found out through reading online reviews and also talking to people who have installed the rooflights. The appropriate type will be determined by various aspects. Such include intended use, type of roofing, personal taste, market trends and other reasons. Polycarbonate and glass are the most common materials used to manufacture the product.

 Ease of Use

Whether the rooflights will be walked on, opened to allow fresh air to circulate, or simply add aesthetic value, the product should be friendly to the user. This aspect is especially important if the flat rooflights will be opened or closed regularly. Manually opened accessories are easy to install and maintain. However, they require more effort to operate. Automatic or electronic rooflights may be more costly and require special skills but are more user-friendly.

Matter of fact is that getting a hold of good rooflights for flat surfaces has become easier. This is as a result of better marketing, improved technology, and also general appreciation of the roofing product. Nevertheless, a prospective buyer still needs to lookout for first-class products. This entails considering factors such as resistance to leakage, easy installation, durability, warranty on product and much more. Other than improving beauty and functionality, top-quality fixed flat rooflights offer the consumer serenity of mind.

Posted in Construction

A Glass House

Posted on May 22, 2014 at 11:02 am

Glass houses are a particular style of buildings, which is usually accomplished through the use of prefabrication processes. This means a system where all of the materials necessary for the building are built to the specifications off the build site, only to be assembled really quickly when they arrive at the build site. You may be thinking that a glass house will be quite limited, and very utilitarian, but you’d be wrong. In actuality, you can have the glass designed to a wide, and continuously increasing variety of styles, with various degrees of tinting, or being tinted with a specific colour. Although it can be quite expensive to go for this option for your home, the results are majestic, and the process is relatively easy to undergo. Due to the fact that the precision demanded by prefabrication processes is so much higher than alternate building processes, you may actually see some reduction of costs based upon this point.

Posted in Construction

Prefabricated Building, Part 2

Posted on April 27, 2014 at 1:13 pm

The greatest advantage to this style of construction is definitely the time scales involved in the construction of buildings, but there are other great benefits as well. For instance, having a building built with such forethought ensures a lower level of risk during its construction. This is because the precision required to get it right is tremendous, so the amount of testing, and experience required to do it is much higher than other forms of construction.

There are multiple ways and styles of prefabricated building, from the more common type of timber frame construction, to the more recent and less common style of glass prefabricated designs. Both of these styles have the benefits associated with prefabricated designs, but they also make wonderful homes. There are numerous examples of wonderful, unique homes being built from this model of construction; you can easily have a home designed, bespoke to your requirements, using this style of building.

Posted in Construction

Prefabricated Building

Posted on April 24, 2014 at 1:13 pm

Prefabircated building is the model of construction which relies heavily upon precision design, creating a home in its entirety while still within the factory, so that it can assembled at the build site at a later date. This is a great method of construction, which has a number of benefits unique to it. Unlike other types of construction you can assemble the building very fast, with very little deliberation involved to slow the process down. THis is because a lot of the work is already done in the factory. This makes it an ideal construction practice for those who need a house quickly, or when they need to build it during the winter. Having a homes out shell built quickly, like with a prefabricated timber home, allows the other necessities to begin their installation far quicker than you can with a masonry block home. This is because parts of the building process, like adding electricity, plumbing and insulation, all require the building to be water tight before they begin to be installed.

Posted in Construction

Understanding Commercial Awnings

Posted on March 17, 2014 at 7:34 pm

Commercial awnings are great additions to the business as they can be used to advertise it to help maximize on profits. Other benefits you can get from this include helping your business stand out and catch the eye and draw potential clients so that you can enjoy an increased customer base. These also offer clients incredible all weather protection. You will also notice that they also enhance and accentuate a building’s architecture and you can also get some that are illuminated which offer 24/7 visibility and provide better security for the business. There are different types of awnings you can find in the market and these include:

Retractable awnings 

Generally these are normally purchased with the sole purpose of providing shade for some of the goods that are placed in a store’s window. These are also known as traditional awnings, butchers blinds and shop blinds. They come in handy for shops that have eating areas located outside as they protect customers from harsh weather conditions to allow them to take their meals and drinks in peace. Here you have an option of selecting automatic or manual, sensor or remote activated controls that permit the awning to be opened and closed easily from outside and inside. The sensor controlled awnings normally come with sun and wind sensors that automatically extend or retract even when you are not at home to offer maximum protection.

Non retractable awnings 

These are mostly used as a decorative piece for the buildings where they are installed. They are a popular choice as they can be custom fit to your ideal outdoor space. They do not have moving parts thus require less maintenance. Most people also like to use them as three dimensional signs. They are usually referred to as fixed canopies. While shopping for these types of commercial awnings, it is also important to note that you can also get an approach awning that can be used to highlight the entrance of the business or even be used to provide a covered walkway in a place that has a flight of stairs. They offer incredible creativity in regards to material, shape, size and style allowing a person to choose the one they feel they are most comfortable with at the end of the day.

Pergola style all weather awnings 

This is an innovative type of awning system that was introduced to the market recently. They are an attractive option that is normally placed in its own beautiful Pergola style timber frame. It is a great option for terraces or extending covered areas. It can withstand Force 9 winds with ease implying that it can be used outside without a problem during those inclement months. Another benefit of this type of awning is that it is possible to create a separate smoking area outside the fabric which can be used by smokers who are looking for a convenient smoking shelter.

Depending on budget as well as need, it is important to go through all the options of commercial awnings available in the market to see the one that will work out best for you.

Posted in Construction

Using Green Construction Practices

Posted on February 18, 2014 at 12:08 pm

In our current social environment, making things as ecologically friendly as possible is becoming increasingly important. Construction is a big part of this issue. Typical construction practices rarely considers the ecological impact they are causing. Damage is typically caused by construction on every stage of the process, from the sourcing of materials, to the treatment of said materials, to the heavy machinery needed to construct the building. This presents a principle issue with construction, one which the rest of society is sure to become increasingly concerned about. Clearly, some newer, and some older practices can and have been employed to help combat excessive ecological damage. First and perhaps most importantly, building materials need to be sourced as locally and sustainably as possible. In many instances, this is easily accomplished, but people are often the first barrier to this, regularly holding very precise ideas of what they want, and ignoring the more easily sourced materials available.

Posted in Construction

A guide to flood damage repairs on your home

Posted on February 9, 2014 at 4:19 pm

The aftermath of floods in your home can be very devastating. As a matter of fact, it might take you a long time to restore the original nature of your home. It also means that you will require a huge amount of money especially when flood damages are intense. However, once floods strike your home, you have no choice other than laying down the necessary measures to bring everything back to normal.

You might to some point require consulting a professional to help you out with some things. However, there are things you can handle on your own. If you feel that you can take charge of some flood damage repairs, it is a great idea since you will be slicing down expenses. On the other hand, if some repair practices are way beyond your capacity, be sure to consult professional services.

Here are some of the guidelines to help you embark on flood damage repairs conveniently and effectively:

Take Safety Into Account

Needless to say, floods can bring about damages which can be a threat to the residents of the affected house. In this regard, ensuring your safety should count as the top priority. Before you think of returning to your house, you must ensure that you are not exposed to any form of threat. The idea here is to hire a professional to help you in assessing the house. They will help you ascertain the condition of your house and provide you with the necessary advice.

Some of the safety threats to be assessed include electric faults, structural damages as well as key health concerns.

Record Everything

It is of utmost importance to ensure that you document all the necessary information with regard to the intensity of flood damages. This is great idea especially if you had insured your home against such damages. You insurer will require clear information before you are compensated. This is the reason why you will require all the necessary information before you embark on any restoration or repair process.

Embark On Emergency Cleanup

At this stage, you will require drying up all the excess water in your house. This should be done fast because stagnant water has the capacity to trigger further damages if not removed in time. Be sure to get to every corner of the house to ensure there is no traces of water. Once done, you will require leaving the windows and the doors open for a while. Note that moisture will be left even after you have removed the water. Keeping the room well ventilated is a way of getting rid of excess moisture.

Embark On Flood Damage Repairs

Once you are done with emergency clean up, it is now time to fix all the damages caused by the floods. The truth is that this could be a daunting task though it depends on the damage intensity. If need be, hire a professional to help you repair your house. Note that your house might require reconstruction which means you will need an extra hand.

Posted in Construction, Home

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